What do you think of coincidences and are they?

Acts 23:12-22

12 The next morning a group of Jews got together and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. 13 There were more than forty of them in the conspiracy. 14 They went to the leading priests and elders and told them, “We have bound ourselves with an oath to eat nothing until we have killed Paul. 15 So you and the high council should ask the commander to bring Paul back to the council again. Pretend you want to examine his case more fully. We will kill him on the way.”

16 But Paul’s nephew—his sister’s son—heard of their plan and went to the fortress and told Paul. 17 Paul called for one of the Roman officers and said, “Take this young man to the commander. He has something important to tell him.”

18 So the officer did, explaining, “Paul, the prisoner, called me over and asked me to bring this young man to you because he has something to tell you.”

19 The commander took his hand, led him aside, and asked, “What is it you want to tell me?”

20 Paul’s nephew told him, “Some Jews are going to ask you to bring Paul before the high council tomorrow, pretending they want to get some more information. 21 But don’t do it! There are more than forty men hiding along the way ready to ambush him. They have vowed not to eat or drink anything until they have killed him. They are ready now, just waiting for your consent.”

22 “Don’t let anyone know you told me this,” the commander warned the young man.

Was it a coincidence that Jesus, in verse 11, visited with Paul encouraging him in the work he had done in Jerusalem and would now go to Rome? I’m sure this filled Paul with courage, peace and certainty even though in prison, that Jesus would be with him, and he would finally get to Rome. Then the next day, the coincidence that Paul’s young nephew overhead the plot to kill him and warned him. What about the Roman Captain actually taking the time to listen to a young Jewish boy about a conspiracy, and took it seriously, then in the next verses sends Paul out of Jerusalem under heavy guard.

The 40 men however, who made the vow to kill Paul, I’m sure did not see God’s hand at work here. It’s easy to skip over this vow as part of the bigger story of Paul, but it would be presumed that these men died, as Paul certainly did not die at this time.

There are two things that I can take from this passage. The first, be extremely careful in making vows.  The second, always look to see what God maybe doing if a seeming coincidence comes your way.  God knows the big picture of our lives and a simple coincidence can bring him glory and honour for years to come.

Lord, help me to be aware of what you are doing, to be listening to the Holy Spirit and to act on his promptings, as it may save a life or mine.

Written by Suzie Hodgson

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