My Lord

Psalm 110

A psalm of David.

1 The LORD said to my Lord,
“Sit in the place of honor at my right hand
until I humble your enemies,
making them a footstool under your feet.”

2 The LORD will extend your powerful kingdom from Jerusalem;
you will rule over your enemies.
3 When you go to war,
your people will serve you willingly.
You are arrayed in holy garments,
and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew.

4 The LORD has taken an oath and will not break his vow:
“You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.”

5 The Lord stands at your right hand to protect you.
He will strike down many kings when his anger erupts.
6 He will punish the nations
and fill their lands with corpses;
he will shatter heads over the whole earth.
7 But he himself will be refreshed from brooks along the way.
He will be victorious.

This famous Psalm is a picture of Jesus. The fulfilment of this prophecy is beautifully described in Romans 1:2-6. Jesus – fully human and a descendant of the very same King David who wrote this Psalm, but also fully God and therefore King David’s Lord. Jesus – who through resurrection from the dead was declared in power to be the Son of God.

And we are now called to belong to His family. Gentiles, allowed to become part of His chosen people! And what a beautiful picture of God’s church we see here in Psalm 110 – we as the church are His troops, willing on His day of battle, arrayed in holy splendour. We come to God as new, like the first dew of morning.

Jesus, thank you that you were always the plan. God, you did not create without already having a redemption plan in mind. Thank you that your family is open to all. Make us willing on the day of battle God, willing to follow you into a battle you have already won.

Written by Rhiannon Mellor

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