Good things come in little packages!

Psalm 117

1 Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Praise him, all you people of the earth.
2 For his unfailing love for us is powerful;
the Lord’s faithfulness endures forever.
Praise the Lord!

Just two verses sum up the character of God and what our response to that should be. The psalmist calls all people, not just the Israelites to praise God. The reason? The love and power of God crosses all cultural barriers and has relevance to all peoples. Although our response to God’s love for us and his demonstration of that through the sacrifice of his Son is an individual one, we are also able to respond to God collectively. If you have ever been moved by collective expression of praise (such as The Messiah or even a worship song/hymn) then you have had a glimpse of the power of praise that God deserves. I invite you next time you are in a position of praise towards God to feel the collective unity we have with all our brother

 and sister believers across the world. I invite you to put aside any differences and find the ‘oneness’ we have in praising our mighty God, who loves us and deserves all the praises we give Him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great love for me. Thank you for your love and sacrifice for all humanity. I pray that the power of your love would unite all believers. Praise your Mighty Name. Amen

Written by Christine Knight

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