Eternal Effectiveness

Psalm 119:89-120

89 Your word, Lord, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens.
90 Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
you established the earth, and it endures.
91 Your laws endure to this day,
for all things serve you.
92 If your law had not been my delight,
I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts,
for by them you have preserved my life.
94 Save me, for I am yours;
I have sought out your precepts.
95 The wicked are waiting to destroy me,
but I will ponder your statutes.
96 To all perfection I see a limit,
but your commands are boundless.

97 Oh, how I love your law!
I meditate on it all day long.
98 Your commands are always with me
and make me wiser than my enemies.
99 I have more insight than all my teachers,
for I meditate on your statutes.
100 I have more understanding than the elders,
for I obey your precepts.
101 I have kept my feet from every evil path
so that I might obey your word.
102 I have not departed from your laws,
for you yourself have taught me.
103 How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
104 I gain understanding from your precepts;
therefore I hate every wrong path.

105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
106 I have taken an oath and confirmed it,
that I will follow your righteous laws.
107 I have suffered much;
preserve my life, Lord, according to your word.
108 Accept, Lord, the willing praise of my mouth,
and teach me your laws.
109 Though I constantly take my life in my hands,
I will not forget your law.
110 The wicked have set a snare for me,
but I have not strayed from your precepts.
111 Your statutes are my heritage forever;
they are the joy of my heart.
112 My heart is set on keeping your decrees
to the very end.

113 I hate double-minded people,
but I love your law.
114 You are my refuge and my shield;
I have put my hope in your word.
115 Away from me, you evildoers,
that I may keep the commands of my God!
116 Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live;
do not let my hopes be dashed.
117 Uphold me, and I will be delivered;
I will always have regard for your decrees.
118 You reject all who stray from your decrees,
for their delusions come to nothing.
119 All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross;
therefore I love your statutes.
120 My flesh trembles in fear of you;
I stand in awe of your laws.

I come from a family that my sister and my aunt have been able trace back multiple generations, to 500AD (Dad) and 1300 (Mum).  I was amazed when I read my mum’s genealogy, the generations of Pastors in each of the 12 generations.

In this Psalm, David writes “your faithfulness continues through all generations…”  I see this in my family.  I see the blessing throughout our lives and I often wonder as my grandparents prayed for us, and those generations before them prayed for future generations.  I am so grateful them and their faith.

However, it reminds me to pray for the future generations in my family to come.  That they would walk in the fear of God and in His love and His peace.  That no matter happens, they would walk in His ways, His truth and His word.  That His Word would guide them and be the lamp on their path.  One day you and I will look back and see what our prayers have built in our families and around the world. 

Prayer is powerful.  It outlives our lives.

Jesus, I thank you for the gift of prayer.  I thank you that we can pray today, for something in the future and stand believing that it will make a difference that outlives us.  I thank you for the prayers of those who have gone before me.  Make me faithful to pray for those who are yet to come.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Written by Ps. Sue Botta

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