Heaven on Earth

Psalm 133

A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

1 How wonderful and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in harmony!
2 For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil
that was poured over Aaron’s head,
that ran down his beard
and onto the border of his robe.
3 Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon
that falls on the mountains of Zion.
And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing,
even life everlasting.

On a holiday, there is one thing more important than the destination … the company!

The most amazing and exotic locations can be spoiled by strife and quarrels. A boring location can become a fond memory when shared with people with whom you have great love and accord.

God also chooses where to pour out his blessing and Spirit based on where he sees that unity and love amongst his people.

King David references the equal blessing on two mountains, Hermon in the North of Israel, Zion in the South. This tells me that the blessing of unity defies geography. Unity literally brings heaven to earth, wherever it is found.

Jesus teaches us that unity does not mean we ignore the truth, but that we be ready to lay down our lives, even for those who don’t know the truth.

Lord, you have blessed me with unity with you, forgiving my sins and loving me as a son. Make this love overflow and may unity abound as I ‘take up my cross’ and follow you. Amen.

Written by Andrew Mellor

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